Nobody’s Right when there is no Left, which means that being right has either been obliterated or is in the comments section about cricket on an online platform.
The powers to reason have somehow got lost amongst the clutter.
What’s happening in the world today is indescribable, because it’s never been seen before. And now that it has been seen, are you to tell me that there aren’t those out there with the buying power who are not going to replicate what’s going on in America, where a confused 79 year old businessman is ruling the country like Biff from “Back To The Future”?
It’s another version of that upside down fruitcake world where there are just so many acts of random weirdness- like the huge artist management company CAA signing up Joe Biden as a new talent- that it’s all very dark and daft.
Think about that one and, just perhaps, cast your mind back to the recent Grammys sideshow when Ye Kanye walked in wearing a short sleeve black shirt and slacks with his semi naked lady friend in tow.
Ever think that knowing all those who’d be there tripping over themselves to be noticed, Kanye decided that the boxy people and the Grammys needed to be punk’d?
Right now, every business in every country is wondering where they fit in. They don’t know where, because no one knows anything.
We might think we do, but second guessing and the usual games of AI generated Chinese Whispers under a paper moon never made sense.
I listen to the American talk show hosts rant and rave and might smile. But the smile is a smirk these days because we appear to be struck by a tsunami of really bad feng shui while drowning in bad karma.
As Buffalo Springfield sang all those years ago, “Nobody’s right when everybody’s wrong”. And if I might add, when what appears to be a real life “Truman Show” is taking place out there in the land of oligarchs and Playdoh, it’s time for the world to just stop, chill, take a breather and inhale and exhale slowly.
Why? Because we’re feeding the gluttonous beast with gibberish whereas no one is even thinking of and mentioning the future of our children.
Those who talk about building this and that and the media mentions five to ten year plans are either really stupid or have not factored in that they will be many years older when and IF any of this happens.
The next generation they talk so knowingly about will probably be living on another planet called the Far Side and far far away from planet Earth’s goofballs.