Someone’s gone and stolen all the music
Someone’s kidnapped Father Time
Someone’s taken away all spontaneity
Everyone is happily falling into line
The control freaks keep barking out orders
They’re compensating for what they’re not
Things around them are collapsing fast
There are those who can’t be bought
Animal Farm has completely broken down
1984 has been here and come and gone
Tired old men busily keep up pretences
They know they’ve always had it wrong
The elephant in the room is never addressed
The problems are never fixed
Nero fiddles while gnomes burn
And the magic man is outta tricks
Don’t believe everything you hear
There’s always a secret agenda attached
The usual suspects think no one sees
The various political plots being hatched
There can be nothing real without change
And that means changing the tune
It’s not chanting the same old mantra
And listening to tone deaf buffoons
So many out there trying to talk tough
Even when they’re saying nothing at all
We know all about those empty vessels
And the difference between short and small
Where have all the flowers gone?
She asked me time and time again
I knew what she was trying to say
She saw me hiding inside the pain
Maybe there is no happily ever after
But brave men still dare to dream
They have no time for views and followers
And know Happiness is no Ponzie scheme
The corporate wheels fell off years ago
And things were allowed to wobble along
Some gave themselves up to a higher power
And believed their work was done
What exactly is happiness, he asked
Can it ever really be found?
Or is it something blindly pursued?
While singing about sending in the clowns?
We’re high on overload and misinformation
We got lost along that information highway
Maybe I’ve now found where I’m going
Because this isn’t where I wanna stay
Stay in that one place for too long
And you lose that wanderlust
Travel not only broadens your horizons
It keeps time from turning to rust
“Daddy, where are we going?, she asked
I didn’t know, but I somehow got her there
And now I need to find myself again
I’ve gotta leave here on my own
And when I get to where I might be going
Here’s hoping the soul kitchen is open there
Copyright © Hans Ebert, November 2022